

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Another blessed day at SHAS

Another blessed day at SHAS!
We spent the entire day at SHAS today. There is so much to do!  The property sits on approximately 2 acres, with an outdoor soccer field, lake, and a court yard. Inside the main building you have 3 chapels, dining room, multiple family rooms, offices, multiple classrooms, including a Biology lab, 2 dorm areas, 2 prep rooms, showers There are also 2 gyms, band room/theatre room, conference room, and a game room.

This morning, some of our boys attended the 6:40a morning meditation presented by Fr. Michael. In my opinion, this is a great day to start the day. For today's reflection was about starting the day off During the meditation, 
We then had Mass at 7a. We have gone to Mass for 6 days in a row! Woo hoo!
For breakfast, the SHAS cooks prepared for us ygreen colored eggs in honor of St. Patrick's day! What a thoughtful gesture!
During the breakfast, a group of Canadian boys, which were also visiting SHAS, asked for everyone's attention and personally thank SHAS for their hospitality and generosity. In addition, one of the Canadian boys, greeted our boys and for some weird reason decided to state the following comment: Texas is "average" in sports.
Our boys' reactions were one of "oh no you didn't!". Some of our boys were like "bring it!"What came next was inevitable. Sports competition Canadians vs. Texans!!  
Fr. Robert and Fr. Ronald arranged some competitions between the Canadian and the Texas boys which included: American football, soccer, and  hockey.
Or boys lost to the Canadians in football, but beat them in soccer and in hockey! Yeah!! Our boys were so pumped and excited! 

Later that day, the Dads had a Q/A session with the SHAS faculty. The following subjects are taught at SHAS: math, English, writing (including cursive), typing, world history, religion, 3 languages Latin, Spanish, and Greek. The students also learn to perform the liberal arts  for example reciting plays and poems, singing in the choir.
The students also have an intense prayer life (morning mediation, Mass, examination of conscience, Rosary, Eucharistic adoration, and night prayers).  In addition, the boys also have to do house work, assist in the kitchen, serve as waiters during eating times and maintain the outside 
gardens.  The students also learn multiple sports like soccer, basketball, hockey, American football, and other random games.
The faculty explained that the type of education the students receive at SHAS is a wholistic approach to education in order to form the entire person. The goal for SHAS is for the student to be great in everything and not just one subject.
The faculty also informed us that 
SHAS students perform extremely well in the SATs and that SHAS graduates who decide not to enter the novitiate (1st year of seminary) perform very well in all colleges and universities!
Fr. Darren also added that all SHAS faculty complete a yearly background check.  Faculty also have to learn to teach multiple subjects in case a faculty member is not available to teach that day.

In the evening, a special ECYD ceremony was prepared for the boys who were wanting to pledge publicly a friendship or renew their friendship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.  This ceremony took place in the SHAS chapel, with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The boys' conviction to Christ's friendship was real and showed in their serious and mature demeanor.

After the ceremony, we all went to visit a beautiful statue of Mary out in the courtyard. We said good night to Mary and went to bed.

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